Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Monkey See, Monkey Do

What the *bleep* is Anti Mimetic Isomorphism?

Basically the concept of Monkey See, Monkey Do. If you suffer from this condition it is unlikely you will ever experience success in a big way. The point is, and this is a point I have heard so many times in so many different ways: You have to think differently. Think outside the square. Go against the masses. If you do what the 'masses' do, then you will continue to get the same results.

Beliefs are not necessarily truth - you have to challenge your beliefs regularly or you will become complacent or even worse - Bored (ugh) with life. The comfy couch of complacency can be the most dangerous place to be. If you want better results in any area of your life, you need to change something, and maybe (oh!) step out of your comfort zone. It was the great Nelson Mandela who said "you playing small benefits no-one".

So STEP UP! Play a much bigger game!! No really, if there is an area of your life that is not empowered, it is most likely the one factor that will hold back success in the rest of your life.

I'll leave you with my favourite quote of the week: "If you don't think about flowers, you get weeds" Dr. John Demartini

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Your virtual self vs. your real self

We all know that our online selves are a glamourised, edited version of our real flawed, wobbly and flatulent selves (or is that just me?) In the online dating world, it turns out, people are just downright liars! Online dating site OK Cupid has done some super sleuth work (or just collated their data -whatever), and discovered exactly how far 'above average' online daters make themselves out to be. Kinda like 'peacocking' for the online dating set. The biggest lies?
  • Tall tale: "I'm 6 feet tall". Small tale: people are 2 inches shorter in real life
  • Image vs scrimmage: "I make $100,000 a year". People are 20% poorer than they say they are
  • Latest ain't greatest: the more attractive the picture, the more likely it is to be out of date
  • Bi lie: 80% of self identified bisexuals are only interested in one gender

So essentially we're all beautiful, bisexual Amazon gods and godesses who are rolling in cash. If that were the case in reality I would have found my sugar daddy by now :D

For the full report, check out OK Trends

Friday, June 18, 2010

Dad as a brand

Stars of the online world leveraging their popularity into Old Skool media...nothing new (Hello Perez Hilton!) but this guy's rise to fame is meteoric! And with such a simple premise: Sh*t my Dad says. Justin, a late 20-something living with his 70-something acid tongued Dad simply tweets funny shit his dad says.

It's so god-damned laugh out loud funny that I find myself searching for Sh*t my Dad says first up on the rare occasion that I'm on Twitter. And I expect swearing. Lots of it. And hilariously inappropriate analogies. In fact, these have almost become the brand promise of Justin's Dad.

The Justin's Dad brand is now becoming a brand franchise - that's right, Sh*t my dad says: the book. Available at all good book stores.

What's next - ya mum? :D

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Check out this amazing ad for Phillips cinema screen TV ...It definitely does the job of conveying the cinema feel. How can a frozen still life scene convey a complete story? Check it out and see for yourself!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Twitter Graf

Twitter fans took "writing on someone's wall" a bit too literally, but love it!

Posted on The Pirate's Dilemma and Question Marc

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Did You Know?

Came across this amazing video...this is when stats become interesting in the right context

Watch it if you want to know your place in the world...

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Space Invaders II

Some more Space Invader pics...

Check out the Space Invaders website for more locations:
And for all the locations in Paris: