Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Monkey See, Monkey Do

What the *bleep* is Anti Mimetic Isomorphism?

Basically the concept of Monkey See, Monkey Do. If you suffer from this condition it is unlikely you will ever experience success in a big way. The point is, and this is a point I have heard so many times in so many different ways: You have to think differently. Think outside the square. Go against the masses. If you do what the 'masses' do, then you will continue to get the same results.

Beliefs are not necessarily truth - you have to challenge your beliefs regularly or you will become complacent or even worse - Bored (ugh) with life. The comfy couch of complacency can be the most dangerous place to be. If you want better results in any area of your life, you need to change something, and maybe (oh!) step out of your comfort zone. It was the great Nelson Mandela who said "you playing small benefits no-one".

So STEP UP! Play a much bigger game!! No really, if there is an area of your life that is not empowered, it is most likely the one factor that will hold back success in the rest of your life.

I'll leave you with my favourite quote of the week: "If you don't think about flowers, you get weeds" Dr. John Demartini