Sunday, September 28, 2008

Time for movement!!

I have been meaning to get this blog started for a looong time, and have had plenty of ideas, but nothing has ever inspired me enough to actually write about it (and, well, I kinda forgot about it for a while!).

So, what is the grand inspiration I hear you all asking? It was not one thing, but a small chain of seemingly meaningless events that re-ignited my passion for subculture, youth culture, free artistic expression or whatever label you want to give it. The chain of events goes something like this:

1.Looking for lil' bro's b'day present on -> 2. See ad for interesting book "The Pirate's Dilemma" -> 3. Inspiration #1 - buy & read the book -> 4. Wonder how I can do that as a career -> 5. Inspiration #2 - See real life example of bubble on Metro ad which makes my day -> 6. Decide to join the bubble project (more on that later)

So, if you're interested in this "culture" stuff, read the Pirate's Dilemma, or just have a squizz at the website: The author, adhering to the values described in his book, even offers the book for downloading and the logo for remixing - how terribly cutting edge I say!!

And stay posted for the bubble project