Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Word on the Street is...

I'm now a blogger. A strange, somewhat new and fascinating world but a necessary part of labelling myself as immersed in Generation i. Word on the Street is a blog dedicated to informing on 'the latest'. Not so much in a pure fashion sense but emerging consumer and social trends in behaviour, language, markets, cultural shifts and, well sometimes fashion, music and other trends that form cultures and subcultures.

I like to think of myself as a 'cool hunter', 'trend watcher' and 'social researcher'; but these are just glamourous labels for a Qualitative researcher. For the time being I AM the word on the street but eventually there will be a few contributors. If you're an opinion leader, researcher, social commentator, academic, planner or general trendwatcher with a passion for consumer behaviour and knowing the latest, I'd love to hear from you! Who knows, you may just be my next contributor.