Saturday, December 20, 2008

Space Invaders II

Some more Space Invader pics...

Check out the Space Invaders website for more locations:
And for all the locations in Paris:

Space Invaders!

The streets of Pariee have been invaded for about 10 years now with fabulous little pieces of the 80's made from mosaic tiles. The dude responsible is a 'street artist' who goes by the name Invader. He started off in 1998 invading Parisian streets (because he lives here) with pixelated characters from the infamous computer game. More recently he has started doing other famous 80's characters too - here's some of the fist Space Invaders I saw in Paris...

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Time for movement!!

I have been meaning to get this blog started for a looong time, and have had plenty of ideas, but nothing has ever inspired me enough to actually write about it (and, well, I kinda forgot about it for a while!).

So, what is the grand inspiration I hear you all asking? It was not one thing, but a small chain of seemingly meaningless events that re-ignited my passion for subculture, youth culture, free artistic expression or whatever label you want to give it. The chain of events goes something like this:

1.Looking for lil' bro's b'day present on -> 2. See ad for interesting book "The Pirate's Dilemma" -> 3. Inspiration #1 - buy & read the book -> 4. Wonder how I can do that as a career -> 5. Inspiration #2 - See real life example of bubble on Metro ad which makes my day -> 6. Decide to join the bubble project (more on that later)

So, if you're interested in this "culture" stuff, read the Pirate's Dilemma, or just have a squizz at the website: The author, adhering to the values described in his book, even offers the book for downloading and the logo for remixing - how terribly cutting edge I say!!

And stay posted for the bubble project

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Word on the Street is...

I'm now a blogger. A strange, somewhat new and fascinating world but a necessary part of labelling myself as immersed in Generation i. Word on the Street is a blog dedicated to informing on 'the latest'. Not so much in a pure fashion sense but emerging consumer and social trends in behaviour, language, markets, cultural shifts and, well sometimes fashion, music and other trends that form cultures and subcultures.

I like to think of myself as a 'cool hunter', 'trend watcher' and 'social researcher'; but these are just glamourous labels for a Qualitative researcher. For the time being I AM the word on the street but eventually there will be a few contributors. If you're an opinion leader, researcher, social commentator, academic, planner or general trendwatcher with a passion for consumer behaviour and knowing the latest, I'd love to hear from you! Who knows, you may just be my next contributor.